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Digital Summer School

Many Myanmar government schools lack ICT curriculum and equipment. Only students who can afford to attend private ICT training acquire digital skills in early school life, leaving majority of high school and university graduates unprepared for digital workforce. ATOM believed that building digital literacy skills must begin in the education system by incorporating digital skills in education policy, curriculum; raising digital skills of policymakers, teachers, and students; and empowering practical learning with functional ICT equipment in schools.

With the support of Ministry of Education, partner organisations; KMD, Ericsson, Irrawaddy Green Towers (IGT) and Myanmar ICT for Development Organization (MIDO), ATOM’s Digital Summer School Program was launched to deliver basic ICT training to school children during three-month long summer holiday. The program aimed to contribute to the country’s endeavor in gaining the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations; Goal #10 – Reducing inequalities within and among countries.

The program was based on the fruitful result of initial summer school classes piloted in Loikaw, Kayah State in May 2017 in which a total of 130 students from middle and high schools received training to improve their new digital skills such as using computers and smartphone effectively, and safe internet.

Specifically, the program aimed to:

Duation : March 2018 - May 2018

Impact : 25,000 middle and high school students trained

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