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Maternity and Reproductive Health

About 70% of Myanmar’s 51.5 million population live in rural areas where access to healthcare services and advice is a challenge. The ratio of health workers for every 1,000 persons is still less than the World Health Organization’s standard of 2:3 in Myanmar. As a part of ATOM’s Corporate Responsibility initiatives ATOM Myanmar joined hand with Marie Stopes Myanmar (MSM) to develop Mate app targeting to serve expectant and new mothers and young individuals with a range of reproductive healthcare advice.

MSM is a leading provider of sexual and reproductive health in Myanmar. The initiative aimed to improve the reach and effectiveness of MSM’s educational efforts to beneficiaries, support to clients before and after services, and efficiency of operations using mobile technology.

Specifically, the initiative aimed to:

Duation : January 2015 - May 2017

Impact : Over 88,000 app users

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