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Mobile Birth and Death Registration

Having a birth certificate ensures a child to be able to access social services such as health and education, and provides the foundation for safeguarding many other human rights. It also helps a child to receive legal protection from early marriage, trafficking and underage labor. According to UNICEF, more than twenty per cent of children under five remains unregistered in Myanmar. To strengthen the routine registration process, Vital Registration e-Platform (eVR) is already in placed through the joint effort of UNICEF and Ministry of Planning and Finance covering the Union level and all States/Regions by transforming manual registration process to a real-time digital documentation.

With the endorsement from the government of Myanmar specifically Ministry of Planning and Finance, and Ministry of Health and Sports, ATOM Group and ATOM Myanmar joined hands with UNICEF to support the existing eVR by providing further coverage at township and ward levels. This allowed midwives at the ward or villages to fill in the data on a smartphone application. The pilot phase of this initiative took place in Mon State, and all township medical officers across Mon State were able to register and issued certificates using digital mobile recording system for the first time in Myanmar.

Specifically, Mobile Birth and Death Registration project aimed to

Duration: 20 months from August 2018

Impact: Over 33,000 birth registered, Over 11,000 death registered

Resources- https://www.unicef.org/myanmar/media_27871.html


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