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ATOM Behaviours: Keep It Simple and Smart - Simple, Smart, Dedicated

16 Nov,2022 - Yangon | 1 mins read

Author: Ahmad Abdallah, Chief Operations Officer at ATOM

There are many things in business which are complex such as operational processes, customer relationships, supply chains and regulations. At ATOM, we encourage our teams to Keep It Simple and Smart ‘KISS’.

This is grounded on the understanding that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how ‘KISS’ is practised by our teams.

Step 1: Keeping Things SIMPLE

We promote organisational efficiency by encouraging our teams to prioritise their time and work. In addition, we implement simplified work processes and reporting structures for our employees, all of whom have a clear reporting line. We also encourage employees to anticipate problems so we can prevent them or be prepared to implement solutions should problems arise.

Step 2: Working SMART

Instead of trying to accomplish everything or get to zero emails in the inbox, we encourage our teams to focus on tasks that will have the greatest long-term impact. This encourages the habit of formulating realistic plans and keeping a close eye on schedules which helps with time management.

Step 3: Staying DEDICATED

At ATOM, we prioritise creating an upbeat and positive work environment because dedicated employees will be excited to start their day. Building team unity also enables us to embrace change, be agile, adaptable, and motivated by a shared vision to deliver value to our customers and all stakeholders – traits that are required for teams to be successful.

As complexity pours into most processes, business relationships and systems, we believe our Simple, Smart, Dedicated approach enables us to operate in a streamlined and efficient manner, as part of our wider ambition of bringing #BeyondBetter offerings and services for our customers.

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