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Five Steps for Making Realistic New Year Resolutions

28 Dec,2022 - Yangon | 2 mins read

Author: Kyaw Min Thein, Chief Human Resources Officer at ATOM

Making resolutions signifies our desire to take a step towards positive change. At ATOM, we encourage our employees to set realistic goals for personal and professional development at the beginning of the year, so we can work towards #BeyondBetter growth as an organisation.

I believe that resolutions should be realistic and achievable so that we remain committed to them and track progress through the year, as opposed to lofty goals that are given up on. I would like to share the following tips which I hope will help you in making impactful New Year resolutions.

Five Steps for Making Realistic New Year Resolutions

Step 1: Write Down a List of Goals You Hope to Achieve in the New Year

Your goals can cover the various aspects of your life that you wish to focus on, such as career, relationships, personal development, financial wellbeing, as well as physical and mental wellness. As you develop your list of goals, try to recall and reflect on your resolutions for past years.

Step 2: Rank Your Goals

The Pareto principle, also known as the “80/20” rule, states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. It is important to know your priorities and focus on three to five goals that will deliver the greatest results to you during the year.

Step 3: Be Specific and Start Small

If, for example, you would like to acquire a new skill in the New Year, take quick action to assess the resources you need in order to acquire that particular skill. Instead of being overly ambitious and signing up for a full paid course at an academy, you could start by watching an online tutorial video every week.

Step 4: Establish a Reward System for Yourself

To motivate yourself to accomplish your goals, practise the habit of rewarding yourself along the way. For example, if you managed to finish four tutorial videos in a month according to plan, reward yourself with something you love, such as a movie marathon night.

Step 5: Measure Your Progress

To ensure that you are on track with your resolutions, review your goals on a monthly basis, and recognise every progress you have made. We know that circumstances may change due to various external factors – it is alright to adapt your goals to ensure that they remain realistic and relevant.

Most importantly, be patient and remember that change is a process. Even if you are off track for some time, remember that you can always get back into it and encourage yourself not to abandon your goals altogether.

So what resolutions are your setting for yourself in 2023? I’m happy to share that I’ll be working towards these goals in 2023:

1) To spend more quality time with my mother, at minimum one hour every day.

2) To gain 15 pounds in weight for increased body mass. 

3) To make contributions worth a total of MMK 10 million to support communities.

I wish everyone a successful year ahead. May you find success, progress and joy in your endeavours!

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